
The SWS 3in1 Megasite

Raiting 0.00


The SWS 3in1 Megasite is an efficient PHP based website management software that allow webmasters to control the entire website with the ability to add and edit metatags and site descriptions with a new uploaded logo. As a website owner you can add unlimited number of joke, recipes and riddle categories with unique site design built with theme packs. Some of the main features includes ability to change admin pass word, include sponsors, newletter subscritpion program, powerful administration program etc.,

Title: The SWS 3in1 Megasite
Author: admin0026
Price / Cost: US $ 139.00
Platform / OS: Unix
Last Updated: 2004-09-23
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 69
Listings ID #: 21976