
The Web Wizard's Guide to Perl and CGI

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The Web Wizard's Guide to Perl and CGI teaches readers how to create Web sites that will have an audience coming back for more. From writing scripts to analyzing users' data, this book helps readers create well-designed, user-friendly Web sites. This book covers the following topics: elementary scripts, programming and Perl basics, the Perl/Web interface, advanced Perl statements, how to store data in arrays, how to use Perl to work with Patterns, and how to use multiple page forms that share data. It assumes no programming experience, and also acts as a handy reference. The Web Wizard Series from Addison-Wesley is a series of brief, introductory books written by instructors on Internet and Web programming topics of interest to anyone who wants to create web pages. Each book includes an easy-to-read, full-color design featuring plenty of hands-on examples and exercises, and is written in a concise and practical manner so readers can use the technologies in no time.

Title: The Web Wizard's Guide to Perl and CGI
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US$ 25.00
Last Updated: 2002-05-15
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 149
Listings ID #: 216