
Forced Matrix Software

Raiting 3.00


The core of this forced matrix software is developed by the team at DH Softwares, therefore you will find that the features of our Forced Matrix product is very similar to DH-MLM. Forced Matrix v3.2 Features List Manage affiliates up to 9 levels deep. Set payment amounts at each of these levels in either a flat rate amount or as a percentage of the item price. Make recurring payments to affiliates as long as they remain a subscriber to your service (either weekly, monthly, semi-annually and annually). Cancel at any time they leave. Perfect for companies who wish to pay affiliates periodically for subscription based income. Retrieve refunds from affiliates who have already received a payment for referring a customer. This feature is included in case the customer has requested a refund from you for any reason. Optional cooling off period to allow time before affiliates accounts are credited (ideal if you have a money back guarantee and do not want to make payments to the referring affiliate during this time). Also a fraud prevention measure that only credits affiliates a set number of days after a payment is received. Cancel payments to affiliates while they are still in the cooling off period. You can cancel the payments to the referring affiliate if you believe that the order is fraudulent. Automatically generated yet fully customisable affiliate FAQ pages. This page can further be customised to add more FAQs. Fully customisable header and footer. Place your own logo and links on each of the affiliate control panel pages. Customise automated emails sent to affiliates and customers. These autoresponders will let the affiliates and/or customers know what steps need to be taken next, automatically. No manual intervention necessary. Ability to set cookie expiry days so affiliates will still get credit for the sale even if the customer decides to sign up at a later date.

Title: Forced Matrix Software
Author: admin00115
Price / Cost: $247
Version: 3.1
Last Updated: 2002-08-29
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 21
Current Rating: 3.40
Total Hits #: 473
Listings ID #: 2082