
Simple HIT counter

Raiting 0.00


Simple HIT counter is a image based hit counter that calculates the number of visitors to a website. When a webpage calls this script, the referring URL and the IP of the client machine are received and compared with the database registrations, if no matching is found the rest of the proccess is ignored, if found the script checks for the combination URL,IP of client machine and current date in the hits database. This is to check if the visitor has visited the that page from same client machine that same day, if he had visited then the script adds to the hitcount field in the hits table, or a new record is created. This is a easy to use and install simple hit counter for webmasters to use in their websites.

Title: Simple HIT counter
Author: admin006
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: Windows, Linux
File Size: 22.4 KB
Last Updated: 2004-09-17
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1093
Listings ID #: 20312