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ActiveBundleTM is the component bundle of choice for Microsoft® Active ServerTM Pages. This package contains the runtime for the following components, ActiveCreditCard 1.0, ActiveFile 2.3, ActiveMessenger 1.1, ActiveNavigator 1.0, ActiveProfile 1.3, AppletFile 2.5, ASPLightning 1.2 ActiveCreditCardTM is designed as an easy-to-use, server-side ActiveX® control for performing real-time credit card transactions from any Microsoft® Active ServerTM Pages application. ActiveCreditCard provides: Credit Card Processing - process credit card transactions with your choice of processors. Integrated Shopping Cart - quickly build your online store with our optional shopping cart. ActiveFileTM is designed as a full featured server-side ActiveX® control for manipulating files and directories from any Microsoft® Active ServerTM Pages application. ActiveFile provides: An interface to files and form data uploaded using RFC 1867. Download (response) of files anywhere on the server (not just in the web server's virtual directories). File, directory and archive (zip, tar, stuffit, etc) manipulation. Active Data Object (ADO) integration. ActiveMessenger is an excellent choice for adding email capabilities to web-based applications. If you are designing a commercial application and plan to bundle ActiveMessenger, you should contact our sales department regarding special OEM pricing and support information ActiveNavigatorTM is designed as an easy-to-use, server-side ActiveX® control for creating and interacting with toolbar and tree navigators from any Microsoft® Active ServerTM Pages application. ActiveNavigator provides: Tree Navigator - a hierarchy of nodes that can be expanded and collapsed, and used to navigate hierarchical information. Toolbar Navigator - an arrangement of buttons, either horizontally or vertically, that can be used to navigate an Active Server Pages application Refer product page for more details

Title: ActiveBundle
Author: admin00114
Price / Cost: Free Trial/$399/$499/$699
Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 2002-07-25
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1286
Listings ID #: 1692