
Complete Events Calendar

Raiting 0.00


This is a group calendar application that allows you to build collective event calendars. Mainly ment for mean of event divulgation and resource sharing, like meeting rooms, conference rooms, etc. This application allows in building of collective event calendars. Provides Calendar view with bold marking of dates with events (outlook like format). Supports International Date & Time Formats. This application also provides Annual planning view, to manage complete year events. You can attach any numbers of files on any event. Supports Multiple day events. Users access restrictions applicable to file attachments for better authentication. Users access restrictions applicable to event creation and edit. Supports Email warnings. Also provides Agenda management for meetings with group participation. Generated operation log file for auditing purposes. This application look & feel can be used "out-of-the-box" or personalized in several ways.

Title: Complete Events Calendar
Author: admin00114
Price / Cost: $45
Platform / OS: Windows NT/2000
Version: 2.60
Last Updated: 2002-07-25
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 254
Listings ID #: 1591