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AspCal is a calendar application for Microsoft IIS -based web servers that run Active Server Pages. AspCal is intended for workgroup use, that is for any group of people who work together and need to be aware of the others' whereabouts and to be able to schedule meetings, etc. It can also be used for personal scheduling only. It is hardly an industrial-strength workgroup organiser, but rather is designed with small groups in mind and was always intended to be lightweight and affordable. AspCal supports easy navigation by day, Week and Month view. Customization of date & time formats according to the server locale (in your language). Events Management in your personal calander. View other users' calendars. You can View multiple users' calendars as one. You can Schedule repeating events. Suports multipe Event types. Overlaid group calendars. Send a suggested event to another user. The recipient may then accept or decline, and you will be notified about their decision. Send simple text messages to other users. Find events by their name, comments or type. Search in a specified calendar or all calendars. Results will also show all dates the event occurs on. Customisable interface; styles are defined in a css file, which makes for flexibility - create your own colour schemes. Also (limited) access to the HTML produced by the component; possibility to add custom header and footer and meta data. Specify whether a calendar is visible or hidden· View any number of weeks that follow the current week/month. "Fold" weekends to save screen space. Users can control several aspects of how the calendar is displayed for them - time format, weekend days, first day of the week, colour scheme etc. Popup calendar for picking dates while adding an event - or you can type it in. Password-protected login (can be overridden with your own authentication). User and group manager. Multiple language support. Email integration option. Tracking sent messages.

Title: ASPCal
Author: admin00114
Price / Cost: Free Trial/$30
Platform / OS: Windows 9.2/NT/2000
Version: 1.4
Last Updated: 2002-07-25
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Total Votes: 4
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Total Hits #: 272
Listings ID #: 1583