
PHP Slideshow

Raiting 5.00


The PHP Slideshow is a PHP based script that allows you to view the pictures in your gallery as a slideshow presentation. By default, the script automatically builds a slideshow from images that are stored in your directory. The script can be integrated with your existing templates. It also supports multiple directories and has the ability to order the pictures. In addition to the above features, NEXT and BACK buttons are provided for easy navigation through the images in the directory. An online demo of a sample presentation can be viewed in the website.

Title: PHP Slideshow
Author: admin0041
Price / Cost: Free
Version: 0.6.2
File Size: 4.2 KB
Last Updated: 2004-07-24
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 86
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1301
Listings ID #: 15523