
PHP Chess

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PHP Chess is a online chat featured chess game. The opponents can communicate with each other by online chat facility. Before playing chess game, determine who will play White or Black Pieces with your playing partner. People playing the Black Pieces can click on the Flip Chess Board Side button for their point of view of the Chess board. If a mistake is made, you can always modify the chess board by using the Modify Chess Board option. Just select the desired piece to place on Chess board or select empty square to remove a piece from the Chess Board, and then select which Chess square will receive the action. You will also use the Modify Chess Board option to promote your piece when it reaches your opponents first rank, or when an En Passant move has been played, or for king and queen side castling. An online demo is available on the website.

Title: PHP Chess
Author: admin0010
Price / Cost: Free
File Size: 18.4 KB
Last Updated: 2004-07-24
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 15
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 150
Listings ID #: 15507