
Word Scramble

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Word Scramble is a PHP scripted online entertaining programme. A set of six scrambled words will appear. You have to rearrange the scrambled words and click for results. This game designed to take up little space so as to fit in most site templates easily and lets banner advertising and earns more revenue to your website. Features are, players have the option of their own time setting, made with a master word list of 5,704 words and the entire list is used to make a Mixed word scramble page, three types of category which are 1,264 four letter words used in the Easy category, 3,607 five and six letter words used in the average category, 838 seven letter or more words are used in the difficult category. According to the talent, the players can choose any one of these categories. Very easy to run this programme.

Title: Word Scramble
Author: admin0010
Price / Cost: US $ 30.00
Platform / OS: Windows, Unix
Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 2004-07-24
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 7
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 64
Listings ID #: 15469