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With MyLinkManger you can implement your own link management system on your web site with CF LinkManager! CF LinkManager allows you to run a complicated link directory system through easy to use administration pages instead of the overwhelming tasks of database entries or managing static HTML pages. This provides the features like,Multiple levels of sub categories for link submissions, Easier navigation on each page to show users where in the level they are, Automatic hit counters to show link activity, User rating system shows reviews and one to five star ratings,Managed ordering of links available to users for easier browsing, Allow users to submit suggestions under a specific category or any level of subcategory Ability to show prices for use as a product resource, Automatic approval of links or moderated additions, Notify users who suggest a link when their suggestion is approved Integrated search function searches title and description, User submitted error reports to let you know of problems with links, Works with a header and footer template for easy integration in your own site, Set the number of results per page, Displays number of links under each category and subcategory, Highly functional web based administration area can be used from any computer with Internet access

Title: MyLinkManager
Author: admin00114
Price / Cost: $225/$1140
Platform / OS: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Cold Fusion 4.5+
Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 2002-07-25
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1250
Listings ID #: 1536