
PhotoPost PHP

Raiting 3.00


PhotoPost PHP is a fast, MySQL powered fully customizable community photo gallery application that allows you and your site's users to upload photos to categories and post forum style comments about the uploaded photos. PhotoPost supports multiple file uploads via ZIP files or FTP with auto thumbnail generation, and includes a full featured user registration system with usergroup editing to set diskspace and access privledges. What truly sets PhotoPost apart is its ability to interface with vBulletin, phpBB 2.0, UBB Threads v5 or v6, so that your existing forum users don't have to register again for a new application, since their existing username/password and usergroup works with PhotoPost.

Title: PhotoPost PHP
Author: admin
Price / Cost: 79
Platform / OS: All
Last Updated: 2002-07-11
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 3.21
Total Hits #: 455
Listings ID #: 1500