
Craft Syntax Live Help

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The Crafty Syntax is a PHP script that provides online customer support through live chat with customers vising the company's websites. The features of this system includes notifies the customer while typing message, allows to monitor the web pages that are being visited, allows to chat with multiple clients in the same page, canned responses and images, PUSH HTML pages to clients. The system also allows the customers to leave a message if the staff is offline.

Title: Craft Syntax Live Help
Author: admin0039
Price / Cost: Free(GPL)
Platform / OS: Windows, Unix
Version: 2.7
File Size: 513 KB
Last Updated: 2004-07-20
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 17
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 166
Listings ID #: 14545