
Auction Weaver™ Lite

Raiting 3.00


Auction Weaver™ Lite enables auctioning in your site to be managed by you and your site users.Its easy to use with unlimited categories and items. Its features are- Automated e-mail validation registration system keeps non-legitimate users out of your database,All outgoing e-mails configurable and customizable by the administrator,User passwords are encrypted to ensure no tampering by outside sources,non-registration mode to allow posting/bidding by anyone,Users can post descriptions, bids, and images,Item preview before an item is actually posted,Reserve prices supported which allow a seller to set a minimum amount that he/she will accept,Each item is given a unique ID number and URL, so sellers can advertise their auctions in newsgroups or via a link,sniper protection: auctions can close a configurable time after the last bid and the designated closing time,Users can view closed auction history and contact information depending on whether the he/she is the buyer, seller, or losing bidder,E-mail sent to both high-bidder and seller on auction close,Fast re-posting of items that were not sold,Multi-item dutch auction option.

Title: Auction Weaver™ Lite
Author: admin002
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: Unix, Win NT
Version: 1.08
File Size: 27.9 KB
Last Updated: 2004-01-17
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 8
Current Rating: 3.50
Total Hits #: 1318
Listings ID #: 13585