
MyDb Dump

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mydbDump is powerful utility used to convert your access/mysql db into (*.sql) files , (*.php)files which is great if you facing problem in accessing your mysql server remotly or want to move your access db to the can choose to include structure of db only or structure + records or include only records ,and alot more advanced options like to use auto increament or not , to use complete insert statment or not , ...all that dose not required from you any previous knoledge of sqlwritting or php coding also it uses a very simple step by step interface wizard like interface. Also you can use it as a backup manager to mysql or access databases.

Title: MyDb Dump
Author: softguru
Price / Cost: Free to try, only 39$ to buy
Platform / OS: All windows versions including NT and XP
Version: 1.1
File Size: 2390 KB
Last Updated: 2003-12-29
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 88
Listings ID #: 13468