
Omnistar Live Online Chat Support

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Omnistar Live! is a popular alternative solution to Human Click (a.k.a. Live Person) Live Customer Support Chat system. Omnistar Live! is completely web based so you can provide Live! support from any computer, anywhere! No extra client software needed! No Setup fee. Small monthly fee! Launch Omnistar Live!, minimize it and get back to your normal things like working, sending emails, or surfing. Omnistar Live! will chime you when a new support request is made! Everything is web based!

Title: Omnistar Live Online Chat Support
Author: admin
Price / Cost: $14.95/month
Platform / OS: Remotely Hosted
Version: 1.7
Last Updated: 2002-06-11
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 135
Listings ID #: 1336