
DF™ TopList Professional

Raiting 5.00


DF™ TopList Pro is a professional toplist (ranking system), it has all possibilities necessary for modern toplist (reset/no reset mode, count Hits In after Out Hits, "freezing" account in toplist, categories, MultiAdd, random redirection from a selected sites amount and much more). TopList completely written on C++ and much faster than the analogous scripts written in perl/php. It allows to noticeably decrease server upload and at the same time gives additional possibilities to its users. Toplist has a multilevel anti-cheat protection and traffic filtration system, which gives you a possibility to sieve low-quality traffic and increase the toplist output considerably. Toplist has a flexible and convenient system of adjustment, which allows adapting it to different task performances. Although of a great variety of functions toplist is optimized and steady. Toplist can be installed above other toplists with preservation of members' database and entrance links.

Title: DF™ TopList Professional
Author: DF
Price / Cost: US $130.00
Platform / OS: Linux, FreeBSD, WinNT, Solaris, *nix
Version: 2.x
File Size: 500KB
Last Updated: 2004-11-04
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1034
Listings ID #: 13172