
Learning to Love WSDL: Web Services Real-World Scenario

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Learn about the contracts that XML Web services describe between systems using standard XML technologies (XML, XSD, WSDL, and SOAP), and dig into exactly how XML Web services are implemented in ASP.NET. Burrow through the layers and understand the complexities of the SOAP protocol, and see how the .NET Framework insulates us from those complexities. Examine the business ramifications of XML Web services, as well as sniff the network to explore actual Web services on the wire. This session is for both the savvy business person and the technical person. Explore new ways to think about enabling your business on the Web, and explore directories and command-line tools you didn't know existed. Hear how Web services enabled communication between internal systems at a top 10 U.S. financial institution. Leave understanding the benefits of XML Web services for your business, having a much deeper understanding about the philosophy and reasoning behind XML Web services, and the tips and tools required to a build a service quickly with Visual Studio .NET.

Title: Learning to Love WSDL: Web Services Real-World Scenario
Author: caquino
Price / Cost: free
File Size: 2400 kb
Last Updated: 2003-08-14
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 4
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 90
Listings ID #: 12817