
JavaScript Pop-Up Window Maker

Raiting 2.00


JavaScript Pop-Up Window Maker is a JavaScript code generator which can be used in web pages to implement popup windows. The generated codes can be easily copied and pasted onto your web page to implement the windows. You can customize the width, height, option for scroll bar, toolbar, location, resizable, status, URL of the page to be opened in the window, and menubar. Compatible with NN 4x, Netscape 6, Opera 5/6, IE 5x, NeoPlanet 5.

Title: JavaScript Pop-Up Window Maker
Author: admin0093
Price / Cost: Free
Last Updated: 2003-08-06
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 5
Current Rating: 2.00
Total Hits #: 174
Listings ID #: 12674