
Auto Submission Pro

Raiting 5.00


Auto-Submission-Pro utilizes its own built in domain spider to recognize the pages from your website that you want to submit, you select whether you want your pages submitted to just the search engines or also to FFA's Classified and Specialized Websites. The Auto-Submission-Pro database comes preloaded with over 100,000 websites. It is designed for Unix-based domains, virtual servers and installation is included in the purchase price.

Title: Auto Submission Pro
Author: admin00100
Price / Cost: $499.00
Platform / OS: Unix
Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 2003-08-03
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 9
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1208
Listings ID #: 12464