
Quiz and Quizmaster

Raiting 5.00


With Quiz and Quizmaster, you can create any number of quiz HTML pages for you, simply by filling out a few HTML forms. The quiz HTML pages are then written to the server, where they can be accessed by anyone via the WWW. This allows you to rapidly setup a whole series of QUIZ pages, and add more at any time as needed. This also lends itself well to web-authors that are creating on-line educational programs. Quizmaster is password protected, and you may set the password to anything you like.

Title: Quiz and Quizmaster
Author: admin00100
Price / Cost: Free
Platform / OS: Unix/WIN95/NT
Version: 1.1
File Size: 19K
Last Updated: 2003-08-03
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 6
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1281
Listings ID #: 12424