

Raiting 5.00


J-Painter is a raster image editor that allows to draw directly on a web page and upload the drawing to the server in JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats. The user is able to use a dozen of drawing tools, color swatches, and insert predefined clip arts. Images can be loaded from the server for editing. The applet is compatible with IE and NN. No plug-in is required.

Title: J-Painter
Author: izhuk
Price / Cost: US $149.00
Platform / OS: Java applet (Win32, Mac, Linux, ...)
Version: 5.1
File Size: 150KB
Last Updated: 2004-11-30
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1567
Listings ID #: 11932