
Counter Manager

Raiting 0.00


Counter Manager will allow its users to have a counter service for their own use. Its admin functions allow modifying of accounts, deleting accounts, adding accounts. Offers password protection and emails the password to the user if he forgets the same. The script even e-mails the webmaster notifying him that a new account has been set up. Instant activation of accounts is also offered, will also allow you to put a logo beside the counter, is 100% template driven and uses attack guard script protection.

Title: Counter Manager
Author: admin0057
Price / Cost: $25
Platform / OS: Unix
Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 2003-07-06
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 990
Listings ID #: 11293