
Javascript Shoppingcart

Raiting 4.00


With Javascript Shoppingcart the user can place orders for different items and can calculate total cost of the items he/she had ordered. The cost of each product and the product names are mentioned in this script. The script implements support for use of multiple currencies and sort items on the basis of item name, price, and amount of items ordered etc. The amount of items ordered can be configured. The script provides a “order” button by clicking which number of total ordered items and the total cost is displayed. It also provides a “clear order” button by clicking which the order you have placed is cleared and a “send” button to send the order.

Title: Javascript Shoppingcart
Author: admin00104
Price / Cost: Free (GPL)
Platform / OS: IE, Netscape 4, Mozilla, Opera
Version: 0.95
File Size: 20KB
Last Updated: 2003-04-10
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 37
Current Rating: 4.50
Total Hits #: 1901
Listings ID #: 11089