
Calender displays month per page with events hightlighted

Raiting 5.00


This displays the current month down the whole page, each day having its own line. If there are any events for that day, a headline is shown. Click the headline, and full data is shown in a pop-up window. Buttons also allow you to move back or forward a month, whilst another area allows you to jump to any month from 1970 ~2070. Can either be set up to allow ANYONE to post entries, or set up so Admin can accept/decline each entry. (If refused, the Admin can send an email note to the poster) **FREE at present, but may be sold as part of a commercial package in future.

Title: Calender displays month per page with events hightlighted
Author: admin
Price / Cost: FREE
Platform / OS: Perl
File Size: 50Kb
Last Updated: 2002-06-06
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Total Votes: 6
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1685
Listings ID #: 1087