

Raiting 3.00


TOP TANGO | TRAFFIC WIZARD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Script was written using PHP4 and MySQL. RANKING: Ranking of members can be done in RESET MODE (IN and OUT hits reset with the frequency given by administrator) and in NO RESET MODE (IN and OUT hits calculated in last ## hours). Switching TOP from one MODE to another can be done at any time. Possibility to "FREEZE" any amount of members in any position of the listing is realized. Also possibility to prevent the situation when trader can get back it's own visitor, which was sent to the TOP. ANTICHEAT: Here are some of the functions: IP numbers of the visitors are logging to the database (only one IN hit will be recorded from one IP number). Function to not record IN hits for visitors which using proxy servers. Record IN hit only if visitor made given amount of OUT hits. Filtering of "quick" hits (IN hit will not be recorded if OUT hit was made faster then given amount of seconds after TOP page load). Calculating percentage of visitors which are using proxy servers for every TOP member.

Author: admin
Price / Cost: US $150.00
Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 2002-06-05
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 3
Current Rating: 3.00
Total Hits #: 163
Listings ID #: 1082