
Mastering Asp.Net With Visual C

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ASP.NET is Microsoft's new technology for developing complex, interactive Web applications. This comprehensive guide takes C# programmers through all the steps of developing Web applications that leverage the full power of the .NET technologies. It includes in-depth coverage of server-side programming with ASP.NET Web Forms and accessing data with ADO.NET. It devotes special attention to XML integration and the creation of Web Services, including using the SOAP toolkit. The book also explores ASP.NET configuration and caching, as well as a variety of file-handling and debugging techniques. The companion CD-ROM contains all the sample code and applications from the book.

Title: Mastering Asp.Net With Visual C
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US$ 49.99
Last Updated: 2002-05-13
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 2
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Total Hits #: 196
Listings ID #: 108