
Big Medium web content management system

Raiting 5.00


Big Medium is a browser-based content management system whose WYSIWYG text editor allows non-techies to publish web content without touching HTML. Simply fill out a web form with the content to be published and, with the click of a button, Big Medium publishes articles and images to your website in your site's own look and feel. Exceptionally easy to use, the software is also powerful enough to manage large, fast-changing websites. All the while, Big Medium keeps your entire site up to date and immaculate, highlighting the most recent articles with standards-compliant HTML or XHTML. No more broken links, either: When you add or edit a webpage, Big Medium updates all of the links to that page, keeping your entire site up to date in a simple one-step process. One installation of Big Medium can manage hundreds of sites on a single server, each with its own unique design. Use one of the pre-formatted "skins" for your site design or customize your own templates for full control over HTML. Multiple accounts allow an unlimited number of contributors to publish content with five levels of permissions. Page caching makes Big Medium gentle on your server, even for thousands of articles and millions of site visitors. Plus: WYSIWYG editing; document uploads; content syndication via RSS or via JavaScript to other websites; unlimited images and pullquotes for every article page; "e-mail to a friend" function for all articles; printer-friendly pages; and site backups and duplication.

Title: Big Medium web content management system
Author: joshclark
Price / Cost: US $129.00 (free demo)
Platform / OS: Unix (Linux, Mac OSX, etc); Windows
Version: 1.3.4
Last Updated: 2004-07-28
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 2
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1385
Listings ID #: 10463