
Gavelware Auction Software

Raiting 2.00


This is a nice auction package that comes with a variety of features. In addition, it also has official add ons that are both free as well as paid for. The script also offers community support through its friendly, monitored online forums. It automatically creates all necessary folders and sets up the auction on your server for your server, silent sealed auctions, reverse auctions, allows users to post their item to two categories, fast search, complete accounting, auto closing of auctions and many more.

Title: Gavelware Auction Software
Author: admin0069
Price / Cost: Free
Version: 1.42
Last Updated: 2003-07-06
URL: Click to Visit
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 19
Current Rating: 2.60
Total Hits #: 1568
Listings ID #: 10264