
Intellexer Spellchecker SDK

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Add spell checker capabilities to your Windows projects! With EffectiveSoft Spellchecker SDK this is easy. The development library contains a common DLL interface and interfaces for C++ and .NET with corresponding documentation and examples (C++, C#, Delphi). It may be linked to any Windows project. The spelling checker supports common English language (dictionary size: 311,000 word forms) and requires about 4 MB of RAM.

Title: Intellexer Spellchecker SDK
Author: EffectiveSoft
Price / Cost: 70$
Platform / OS: 4 MB of RAM, any Win32 programming language that supports importing from DLLs.
File Size: 2.23mb
Last Updated: 2007-02-25
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 0.00
Total Hits #: 1720
Listings ID #: 43383