
Swf to Mp3 Converter

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Swf to Mp3 Converter is an audio converter. It can convert audio in SWF file (Macromedia Flash Movie File) into MP3. The SWF audio consists of one or more sound elements the format of which is MP3 or WAV. Swf to Mp3 Converter creates a single file for each of the sound element and converts WAV into MP3 automatically. You also can merge the multiple MP3 files into one by this program. Swf to Mp3 Converter supports all versions of SWF file. Features * Converts ALL audio in SWF file into MP3. * Supports ALL versions of SWF file. * Supports merging multiple converted MP3 files into one. * Supports batch extracting. * Supports adding folder(s), so much as Internet cache folder. * Supports Drag and Drop. * Fast to convert. * Attractive and intuitive interface.

Title: Swf to Mp3 Converter
Author: jameshoo80
Price / Cost: US$29.95
Platform / OS: Win98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003
Version: 2.1
File Size: 523kb
Last Updated: 2005-07-27
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1908
Listings ID #: 38956