
Flash MX Magic (3rd Edition)

Raiting 4.00


Flash MX Magic follows a proud tradition of offering cutting-edge inspirational and customizable Macromedia Flash projects written by leading Flash designers and developers. Each of the 15 projects focuses on a project such as game programming, creating a poll with a dynamic database, movie-making, and e-Card creation. By giving you clear instructions, full 4-color graphical display of steps, all the code and components and an explanation of modifications, you have all the tools necessary to complete the projects and use them as a launching pad for your own sophisticated work.

Title: Flash MX Magic (3rd Edition)
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US$ 45.00
Last Updated: 2002-05-21
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 8
Current Rating: 4.00
Total Hits #: 1966
Listings ID #: 309