
Flash 5.0: Graphics, Animation & Interactivity

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Directed to those with no experience with Flash or programming, as well as those familiar with both, Mohler (computer graphics, Purdue U.) has written a substantial guide--rather than a "quick" or 24-hour type--to this Web graphics tool. Initial chapters describe the features of the application which are then applied in chapters implementing them, including preload sequences, 3D animations, animated effects, ActionScript, interactive techniques and Smart Clips, an introduction to ActionScripting, Flash player methods and browser scripting. The CD-ROM contains over 50 example files to supplement the text.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Title: Flash 5.0: Graphics, Animation & Interactivity
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US$ 58.50
Last Updated: 2002-05-21
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 36
Current Rating: 3.00
Total Hits #: 2225
Listings ID #: 308