
Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied

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Presents a collection of reusable design artifacts, called generic components, together with the techniques that make them possible. The author describes techniques for policy-based design, partial template specialization, typelists, and local classes, then goes on to implement generic components for smart pointers, object factories, functor objects, the Visitor design pattern, and multimethod engines.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Book Info (Pearson Education) A text introducing the concept of generic components within all C++ language. Discusses issues that C++ developers deal with on a daily basis, including policy-based design for flexibility, partial template specialization, typelists, patterns, and multi-method engineers. Softcover. DLC: C++ (Computer program language)

Title: Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied
Author: admin
Price / Cost: US$ 42.99
Last Updated: 2002-05-21
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1952
Listings ID #: 291