

Raiting 3.00


This software is used to track the website visitors information. Webmasters can use this script on their website to keep their websites track record. It has several main features that really helps the webmasters to analyse their website traffic. The main funcions of this script helps webmasters to find, who is currently online, from where did they enter the website, how long did they stay, which paid link is more effective, pay per clicks are doing well or not, when did they enter the website and what did they do inside the website and what is the duration of the visitors spent inside the website etc.,

Title: SuperStatz
Author: admin0031
Price / Cost: US $ 10.00 (Per month)
Version: 1.19
Last Updated: 2004-05-11
URL: Click to Visit
Demo URL: Check out the Demo
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 3.00
Total Hits #: 1413
Listings ID #: 22176