Categories Portal Service

Raiting 5.00


The goal of the portal system is to have an automated web site to distribute news and articles with users system. Each user can submit comments to discuss the articles, just similar to Slashdot and many others. Main features include: web based admin, surveys, top page, access stats page with counter, user customizable box, themes manager for registered users, friendly administration GUI with graphic topic manager, option to edit or delete stories, option to delete comments, moderation system, Referers page to know who links to you, sections manager, customizable HTML blocks, user and authors edit, search engine, and many, many more friendly functions.

Title: Portal Service
Author: admin
Price / Cost:
Last Updated: 2002-06-05
URL: Click to Visit
Total Votes: 1
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1609
Listings ID #: 1058