
About Nuke hosting - PHPNuke, Postnuke, Xoops etc

Raiting 5.00


No nonsense performance based web solutions. Cheap Hosting for everyone, PostNuke and PHPNuke hosting with free installalation. 1Click Installation of shopping carts, chat, PHPNuke installation and Postnuke installation with Fantastico and Cpanel. Absolutely Free setup! Guaranteed and proven hosting solutions with great benefits.Featuring 1Click Install for PostNuke, PHPNuke, Xoops and PHPWebsite. With one click you can install your site or multiple sites. Your site will be up in seconds not days or weeks. Install, uninstall and reinstall your sites and programs in seconds not hours or days. Create and manage databases with a simple click. Free search engine submissions You can save days or weeks of work by using 1Click Install. Redesign your site with 1Click Theme Manager. Edit your site anywhere at anytime on any computer. You can install bulletin boards/forums, shopping carts, guest books, image gallery, an auction site, MySQL databases, a web log and more.Download backups of your site with 1Click. 1Click database backups. 1Click install shopping carts including OS Commerce 2.2,Interchange cart and Agora Cart. Automatically install bulletin boards including PHPBB2 Forum, Invision Board, XMB Bulletin Board.

Title: About Nuke hosting - PHPNuke, Postnuke, Xoops etc
Author: xcel
Price / Cost: $8
Version: 1
File Size: 35KB
Last Updated: 2003-03-29
URL: Click to Visit
Download URL: Click to Download
Web site Language: English
Total Votes: 4
Current Rating: 5.00
Total Hits #: 1782
Listings ID #: 10999